Digital Smart Health Informatics: Innovations and Applications (DSHI- Innov. & Apps 2024)

1st International Special Session on Digital Smart Health Informatics
In conjunction with CIITE ’24, School of Computing and Data Science, Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang, Malaysia


In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the integration of digital technologies and smart solutions has become increasingly essential for improving patient care, enhancing clinical decision-making, and optimizing healthcare delivery processes. This special session, titled " Digital Smart Health Informatics: Innovations and Applications (DSHI- Innov. & Apps 2024)," aims to explore the intersection of technology, data science, and healthcare informatics, with a focus on innovative approaches and applications driving the transformation of healthcare services.

This special session will be held in conjunction with the 1st Conference on Computing Innovation, Intelligence, Technologies and Education 2024 (CIITE ’24) 5th – 7th September 2024 in Xiamen University Malaysia.

All the paper presented in this special session will be included in the conference proceedings, to be published by IEEE. Extended version of the selected best papers will be considered for further publication in the special issue of Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) [Scopus Q2] on ‘Health Informatics in the Era of Big Data’.

For more information on article submission, please refer to the Call for Paper section or visit the CIITE ’24 website registration.


As the healthcare landscape undergoes a digital transformation, integrating smart technologies plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing patient care. This special session aims to bring together experts, researchers, and professionals from different research fields to delve into the latest advancements in smart health solutions, addressing critical topics that span from innovative health and behavioral data collection, smart healthcare applications, decentralized architecture, optimization techniques, digital biomarkers, human-computer interaction, and explainable AI approach. This special session provides a unique platform for participants to engage in discussions, share insights, and collaborate on the forefront of smart health technologies. By exploring these diverse topics, we aim to advance the field, ultimately contributing to the development of more effective, secure, and ethical smart health solutions.
Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
  1. Innovative approaches for collecting, labeling, and validating multimodal health and behavioral data
  2. Synthetic data generation to support faster development of novel and robust AI solutions for digital healthcare
  3. Novel smart health applications for early diagnosis, remote monitoring, and decision support systems based on wearable and mobile technologies
  4. Integration platforms for smart healthcare technologies
  5. Decentralized architectures for mobile health solutions
  6. AI optimization techniques for smart and mobile health systems
  7. Novel digital biomarkers from IoT and commercial smart/wearable devices
  8. Human-computer interaction solutions to support smart health applications
  9. Novel explainable AI approaches in digital healthcare systems
Papers including new datasets and clinical/on-the-field validations will be highly appreciated.

Paper Submission

While submitting for this special session, please ensure you select “Special Session of Digital Smart Health Informatics” as the subject area.


At least one author must register and physically attend the conference to present the paper. For more information about the registration, refer to the Registration page.



June 24, 2024

May 31, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline

July 22, 2024

June 28, 2024
Notification of Acceptance

August 12, 2024

July 26, 2024
Submission of camera-ready

August 19, 2024

August 2, 2024
Author Registration Deadline


  1. Article Presentation
  2. Invited Speech on healthcare related field
  3. Workshop
  4. Interactive event
  5. Networking

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