
The role of cybersecurity towards digitalization and economic growth: challenges, uncertainties, 2024 and beyond


The key drivers of digitalization and economic growth are mainly Internet of Things (ToT), the Cloud and the convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT). The security challenges within these areas outline the need for cybersecurity within organisations and industries to prepare beyond 2024 and how AI, ML and blockchain can be resilient, organised and proactive to aid cyber security challenges. Security is about enabling risk to allow business to grow confidently, knowing that their valuable data and assets are protected against threats. Attacks on business are inevitable, recovery is not. Actions matter to business, customers, and shareholders. Recovering back up and running quickly is now more critical than ever. Automated computing technologies will aid to the needs of global customers more quickly.

Professor (Assoc) Carlene E-A Campbell

University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)
Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom

Carlene is a Professor (Assoc) in cybersecurity and Innovative Systems within the Wales Institute of Science & Art. Her managerial and leadership experiences have been acquired over more than twenty-five years. The latter 10 years working as Professor (Associate), Institute Manager for Research Degrees (IMORDs); Faculty Head of Research Lead, and Previously Senior Lecturer and Lecturer respectively in the School of Applied Computing at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD). She is one of the expert advisers on the SMART Digital Accelerator project at UWTSD. This is the Welsh government-funded project consisting of a team of industry expert advisers who work with manufacturers in Wales to help them identify the right technology to boost their bottom line and the research supervisor for researchers on MADE Cymru. She is also a current member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) professional body and former Chair (4 years) of the IET Wales South Wales committee which is very much involved with community services.

Carlene has over 25 years of experience, as a leading researcher and academic within the field of Cybersecurity & Computer Forensics, Computer & Wireless Networks and other areas of digital technologies. She has gained respect in industry, policy and academia. Her research work spans various interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects by applying technological solutions within areas such as Automotive Engineering, Built and Natural Environment, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, etc.

Carlene has supervised several students at doctoral level to successful completion in the areas of cybersecurity, SMART IoT, computer & wireless communications etc. She is currently on the MADE Cymru projects at UWTSD in Blockchain, Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity and Machine Learning with a number of doctoral Research Associated


The Impact of Emerging Technology on Society: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations


This paper examines the multifaceted relationship between emerging technology and society, focusing on the opportunities, challenges, and ethical considerations inherent in their interaction. As technological advancements continue to accelerate across diverse fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, blockchain, and renewable energy, their impact on society becomes increasingly pronounced. This study delves into the ways in which emerging technologies shape various aspects of human life, including economic systems, social structures, cultural practices, and ethical norms. By exploring topics such as innovation ecosystems, regulatory frameworks, technological disruption, and global perspectives, this paper seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between technology and society. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of fostering responsible innovation, promoting inclusivity, and addressing ethical dilemmas to ensure that emerging technologies serve the collective good and contribute positively to the advancement of humanity.

Professor Ts Dr Rusli bin Haji Abdullah

Software Engineering and Information System Department,
University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Professor Ts Dr Rusli bin Haji Abdullah a Senator member of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) right now. He is attached at Software Engineering and Information System Department currently, as well as the former Dean of Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), UPM. Specialized in Software Engineering and Knowledge Management that he has completed his PhD in Computer Science at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia in 2006. Starting his career as a lecturer since 1996, after served as System Analyst for 8 years at UPM.

He has published over 14 books and more than over 160 journal papers, conference publications and other academic research publications especially in Scopus with h-index is 18 currently. Furthermore, he has also been published the articles in Malaysian newspapers such as Berita Harian and Harian Metro with regards to Emerging Technologies and Its application like Smart Agriculture, MySejahtera Application, ChatGPT System application, and Youth Digital Hub. He has also received numerous awards and recognitions throughout his career that includes Silver Medal for University Research Invention in 2008 and 2009, Gold Medal for University Research Invention 2005, Silver Medal for Invention of Technology and Exposition I-TEX (2009), Silver Medal for Malaysian Research Invention and Exposition – MTE (2010, 2012 & 2014) as well as Certification of University Excellent Services based on Lecturer Services for many years since 1999 up to now.

In the context of administrative environment, he has been appointed as Head of Lab for Institute of Software Development, UPM in 2007, Deputy of Chief Information Officer for IDeC, UPM in an early of 2008, and Head of Information System Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty (FKSTM), at the end of year 2008. He was become a Deputy Dean of KSKTM, UPM from 2009 to 2014. In the years of 2018 to 2019, he was appointed as Deputy Dean of School of Graduate Studies (SGS) UPM. And then, the most recent, he was appointed as the Dean of FSKTM, UPM since 2019 until 2021.

His experience in the field has made him to be selected as a keynote speaker for several conferences includes International Putra InnoCreative in Teaching and Learning(i-PicTL 2021) International Symposium of Environmental and Occupational Health (ISEOH2020), International Webinar on Digital Seminar Series#3(2020), The First International Conference on Computer Science and Its Application in Agriculture (ICOSICA 2020), Knowledge Management International Conference 2018 (KMICE2018), International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (ICAEES-2014), Noorul Islam University, India in 2014, 12th WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed System (SEPAD’13), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom in 2013 and Malaysia Software Engineering Conference (Mysec2013). He is part of the Technical Advisory Group of UPM Student Information System from 2009 to 2012 and currently as a committee member of Malaysia Software Engineering Interest Group (MySiG) that he has been appointed since 2007.

Along of his service, he has been received more than over 12 research and collaboration grants as principal investigator (PI) at National level such as from MOHE, MOSTI and MDeC as well as at the International Level such from Japan University. On top of that, he had also gotten some tasks of consultation from international universities and local industries in helping them such as Saudi Arabia universities to evaluate their staff for promotion, and Malaysian IT Development Council (MDeC) respectively. Besides that, he has served as journal editor board as well as journal reviewer at national level and international level respectively. Furthermore, he also been involved as a chairman as well as a committee member for many conferences at national and international levels.


The Therapist: Annie the chatbot


The use of AI to provide mental health support in conservative communities.
Short description: Our team is dedicated to crafting a cutting-edge generative AI system tailored to enhance mental health support in communities facing access, availability, and affordability challenges. This innovative system will deliver conversational therapy adhering to established therapeutic protocols endorsed by various practitioners. It is designed to be culturally responsive and adjusted to the religious contexts of users. The architecture includes a dual-interface dashboard for patients and therapists with risk assessment tools that analyse conversational signs and offer critical signposting functions.
Project Website:https://shorturl.at/rsQY5

Dr. Mabrouka Abuhmida

Research & Innovation Group Leader
University of South Wales, UK.

Dr Mabrouka Abuhmida, a Senior Lecturer in Computing and the guiding force behind the MSc Artificial Intelligence course, is celebrated as the STEM Woman of the Year 2023. Her extensive expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning has been the cornerstone of interdisciplinary research. Her work, notably in mental health support and the development of intelligent technologies, showcases her innovative approach to applying AI to diverse sectors. Her leadership extends beyond academia; Her advocacy for seamless technology transfer is evident in her efforts to bridge gaps between public institutions and private enterprises, fostering partnerships that drive technological advancement and innovation.

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